Monday, March 31, 2008

No such thing as a good loss?

The Rangers outhit the Mariners in the 2008 season opener, but it wasn't quite enough. I know I'm probably accused of always finding the bright side of losses, but there really were a lot of good things going on in this game...

- Kevin Millwood looked really good. The only two runs he surrendered were unearned. Without that error, he might have been good for another inning.

- Michael Young seems to have less weight on his shoulders than he did at the start of last season. At least emotionally. Although, physically, it looks like he's bulked up a bit. His arms, at least, look bigger. And he showed off his power in his first at bat with a HR. Three-hit night for the All-Star.

- Poor Ian Kinsler. I respect him for getting out on the field through his illness, but maybe he should have rested instead. Hope he feels better soon.

- I got my first look at Josh Hamilton. I like what I see. He's going to be really fun to watch this year.

- The oft-hated Gerald Laird threw out two would-be base stealers tonight. That's what I love about that guy.

Overall, I can't complain about tonight's game. Even if it was a loss, it's still baseball.

KISS: Michael Young. He's well on his way to another 200 hit season with three tonight, including an RBI. His oppo taco was the perfect way to start his season right.

MISS: Kaz Fukumori. He only faced five batters, but let three runs come in on two hits and two walks.


Jon Page said...

Actually, Laird didn't look that good to me - his throws where kind of innacurate, and his poor attempts at blocking Kazuo Fukumori's wild pitches where sickening. At least one should have been a passed ball, but I think they both went as WP's.

I guess Laird figures now that his job is safe, he can just go back to his normal self now.

Nice to see you on blogspot - right now, I cannot even log onto any MLBlogs pages for some reason. I had it pulled up Saturday, and I was trying to update the look of my blog when it flashed "internet explorer cannot display the webpage" at me, and now, that's all I get when I try to pull up any MLBlog page.

It's extremely frusterating - I'm afraid I'm missing my first Monday Morning Manager over on TR Sullivan's blog in a long time because of it today.

Anonymous said...

Well, they aren't going to finish 162-0 - might as well give up now .... or maybe not.

The only thing that really bothered me last night was the IF defense. If you look at really good defensive teams their fielders are in sync like the inner workings of a clock, they know eachother's moves without looking. I still don't get that feeling about Hank-MY-Ian-Ben - they look uncertain - that double pump by Hank on the sure DP ball was the prime example. Let's hope they work that out - quickly.

Jon - just give up the fight - join us here at blogsport- we'll show them that Ranger fans don't need no stinkin' MLB Blogs! :)