Sunday, May 25, 2008

I couldn't wait

I just couldn't hold back my Friday and Saturday photos any longer, so here they are...



Also, I've always been intrigued by Wes Littleton's delivery. What can I say, I love the side arm. But last night, for the first time, I noticed his little full body wiggle. Check it out in this video...


EMC said...

Great pictures - Taylor Teagarden is fun to watch isn't he?

Brrrr - it looks cold- it's been in the 90's and humid all weekend here in Texas.

Are you going to any of the other games this weekend (Chris Davis might be playing!)

Micah said...

It WAS cold. In the 50s and windy. But I really enjoyed Taylor Teagarden play. And he was nice enough to stop and sign a ball for me afterward. (To be fair, John Mayberry signed Friday night, and Warner Madrigal signed a few things before Saturday's game.)

I'll be at tomorrow's (Monday's) game in the photo wells. Looking forward to it big time :)

Jon Page said...

Thanks for the photos, Micah! Great job as usual. I'll have to throw up a linkback over on LiCA later.