When I became a Rangers fan three years ago (yeah, I know, I'm just an infant compared to some), it was because of one player Mark Teixeira. He drew me to the game and the team. As the 2005 season wore on, more players grabbed my attention, and Tex was no longer the only draw.
My friend Amy was already an avid Rangers fan (and life-long one) and I was just beginning my love affair with the game of baseball and the boys in Arlington. Amy and I attended more than 30 games together that season, and there was rarely a day we didn't talk. Many of our conversations revolved around the Rangers and our favorite Rangers players. We loved the whole team, but there were definitely those who appealed to us more than others. We decided that each of us should have a top five list.
This top five didn't come without rules, however. They had to have appeared in a Rangers uniform (despite the appeal of certain minor leaguers). Once a player was in the top five, they could not be removed unless they were no longer in the Rangers system. They also could not be demoted for any reason. Promotion was available, however. If one of the players was traded or released, everyone on the list moved up.
My initial top five was much different than today's top five. Tex had the top spot. Behind him were Laynce Nix, Kameron Loe, Jason Botts and MarkDeRosa. When some of those players were traded or released, my top five was jumbled. There was a long time when I only had three or four on my list. With the rules that were in place, I didn't give away a spot lightly.
This year is another story. I started the season with four favorites,unsure if I would be able to add a fifth. I'm struggling though. There are two players I really wanted to add to my roster. I have been contemplating and analyzing it throughout this season. I toyed with the idea of taking liberty with the rules and adding a sixth spot. But I decided against it, as I believe it might compromise the integrity of having a top five.
So, without further ado, here is my current top five and a few words about each of them.
1. Kameron Loe

Botts was another one who had to win me over slowly, although it really only took a few weeks. I was at the Ballpark in Arlington when this big guy made his major league debut on September 14, 2005 against Erik Bedard (then with Baltimore). He was 0 for 3 with a walk and two strikeouts as the DH. Not too promising, but three days later, I was there again when he got his first major league hit (and his first RBI) in his first AB of the night. He went 3 for 4 in the 7-6 Rangers win (all three hits were off Joel Pineiro of the Mariners). I was also in the Ballpark on May 28, 2006, for one of my final games before moving back to Iowa when Botts launched his first major league home run of Kirk Saarloos of the Oakland As. Clearly, Botts and I have shared a lot of firsts. Here's one more -- Jason was the first Rangers player I met. I talked with him and got a photo on Fan Appreciation day in 2005. I was overwhelmed by his size but his personality put me at ease. He was really nice, and teased me a bit about my shirt. In case you can't read it, it says "All I Need Is Loe." Jason began singing the words to the tuneof the Beatles' "All You Need is Love." It was way cute. I just hope he didn't sing it to Kam when he returned to the clubhouse. (My friend Amy snapped the photo during the aforementioned Fan Appreciation Day in 2005.)
3. Ian Kinsler
I experienced love at first sight when I saw Ian Kinsler debut on April 3,2006. Actually, I'd already been drawn to him during spring training. The reports on him, alone, were enough to intrigue me. And when he belted his first major league hit off Curt Schilling in his first major league AB, I knew this kid was something special. He finished the day 1 for 2 with a walk,but he was already on my list. He went on to a hot start to his rookie season. If not for missing a significant amount of time after injuring his hand in Anaheim, Kins might have had a shot at the rookie of the year award. I doubt Ian lost too much sleep over that, however. From what I can see, Kinsler is a true team player. Sure, individual honors are nice, but he'd rather see the team do well...and do whatever he can to contribute to that. I like the approach Kinsler brings to the plate and the effort he uses in the infield. I was thrilled when the Rangers signed him to an extension during the off-season, and look forward to what he can do for and with my team. (The photo of me and Kinsler was snapped by a fellow but unknown fan in May 2006.)
4. C.J. Wilson

5. David Murphy
Murphy has been with the Rangers for less than a year, but already he fe
All five of these players have earned a spot in my top five because of the way they play the game and how they conduct themselves in general. The selection had nothing to do with their looks. I shouldn't have to add that caveat, but because I'm a female baseball fan, it's sometimes assumed that I like a player because I think he's "hot." Not true in my case. My list of baseball crushes is a whole other entry, one that will probably never be published here in order to protect the innocent (aka the players).
Wow, cool post Micah - great read.
That's a really funny story about you meeting Jason Botts for the first time. I'm a Botts fan too, and I'll always think that one of the overlooked tradgedies of the past few years was how he continually got snubbed by the Rangers, and never really did get a real shot in Texas. Unfortunately, it's too late for him and the Rangers now - personally, I'm just sad that he has to spend the rest of the season in AAA, instead of having a chance to catch on elsewhere.
Also, you're right on about CJ Wilson. He's frusterated me quite a bit this year, but he seems to be shaping up lately. I'm still not convinced he's gonna our long term closer anymore, and have instead gravitated to the camp that would like to see him start again, but he's still a guy I want to see in Arlington for years to come.
Now that you've done this, I'm gonna have to put some thought into a top 5 of my own - obviously, Salty and Josh Hamilton will be on mine (probably as the top 2) but I'll have to think about who else is gonna fill it out.
I share your sentiments about Jason. *sigh*
C.J. will come around. I just know it. It's his first full season as the official starter. They need to give him time to work it out.
Hamilton would be #6 for me. I am infatuated with him as well. His story in SI made me cry. I'd love to see him speak.
I just noticed that three of my four favorites wear their socks high. I wonder if that's something...
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