Friday, April 25, 2008

Of fans and snakes

First off, happy birthday to the Snake Pit's Craig!! Hope our boys can get in the win column again for you!!

Second, there's a nice article about Kam and the Snake Pit in the Oklahoman.

P.S. There are some interesting organizational meetings going on today about the future of the club. I'm anxious to hear the outcome, though I would be surprised if we heard very much at all. I guess we'll see...

1 comment:

Craig Stambaugh said...

Thanks for the link on the Oklahoman article on Kameron. The writer is sending us a couple of copies for us. It was a refreshing angle on Kameron and his snake that hasn't been done before. I liked it even if the reporter got it wrong about my 5 sons. It's really 3 sons and 2 girls. That's OK, my girls won't be offended too much. Here's hoping that Kameron gets it going and comes back up to Arlington soon.